Pregnant passenger

Pregnant passenger should consult with thier doctor before flight. If the pregnancy period is between 28 to 36 weeks, the passenger should get the standard medical information form (MEDIF) filled by their doctor to be accepted on the flight.
Newborns less than 2 weeks old are not accepted for the flight.

Passenger requiring oxygen bottle

Only hospital-grade oxygen and air cylinders are allowed to be carried on Hunnu Air aircrafts. Passengers requiring oxygen bottle should fill the standard medical information form (MEDIF).

Weight restrictions: The gross weight of each cylinder should not exceed 5 kg
Packaging: Cylinders, nozzles, adjustments, etc. must be protected in its standard case to prevent it from moving and getting damaged. Passenger s carry-on oxygen must undergo a security check at the airport before boarding the aircraft to ensure that it is safe for transport.

Passenger reguiring stretcher

Passenger requiring stretcher is a passenger who needs to lie down on a stretcher during the flight due to health reasons. Passenger requiring stretcher must reserve their seats at least 3 days before the flight, and the reservation will be confirmed based on the number of seats the stretcher occupies.

The passenger should get the standard medical information form (MEDIF) filled by the accompanying doctor. The passenger would be accepted if determined within the form that it is safe or not difficult to transport the passenger on aircraft.

Дамнуургатай зорчигчийг тээвэрлэхээс татгалзах нөхцөл:
•    Зорчигчийн урсгал их буюу суудал захиалга 75%-аас их байгаа тохиолдолд дамнуургатай зорчигчийн захиалгыг хүлээн авахгүй.
Accompanying passenger:
•  A passenger requiring stretcher must be accompanied by at least one doctor or a nurse who will look after and assist him during the flight. A passenger requiring stretcher can be accompanied by one guardian on the basis of doctors note detailing that professional monitoring or treatment is not necessary for the duration of the flight.

The one-way individual fare for the route is calculated by multiplying the available class fare by the number of seats the stretcher occupies. A passenger requiring stretcher who purchase their tickets at this rate is allowed to carry 45 kg of baggage free of charge.

Guide dog

"Guide dog" means a dog specially trained to guide passengers with difficulties such as the blindness, deafness or muteness, and the dog should have an officially approved certificate. In the event that a passenger with difficulties travels with a guide dog, this is indicated in the seat reservation in addition to the passengers special AIRIMP code, as well as the Service animal.

For the comfort of other passengers, passengers requiring guide dogs should not be seated next to passengers other than an accompanying passenger, and passengers with infants should not be allocated on the seat near them. In case of overbooking, if the passengers requiring guide dog agrees, the dog will be transported as checked baggage in the baggage compartment.
•    “Guide dog” must have official certificate and identification
•    When the “Guide dog” is guiding a passenger the guide dog will be carried free of charge either inside the cabin or in the baggage compartment.
•    When carrying the guide dog inside the passenger cabin the dog must be secured to the seat of its owner by a strong and secure harness and must have a muzzle on .
•    The passenger must carry the identification and certificate of the dog.

When the “Guide dog” is guiding a passenger the guide dog will be carried free of charge either inside the cabin or in the baggage compartment. When carrying the guide dog inside the passenger cabin the dog must restrained in the seat of its owner and must have a muzzle. The passenger must carry the identification and certificate of the dog.
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